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Mechanizing Agriculture for more Product in Oromia

  If we aspire to enhance the contribution of agriculture to our economic growth, it is imperative to modernize our agricultural practices and broaden the range of available products. In the Oromia Regional State, the export of over 100 million quintals of wheat to global markets each year is a remarkable achievement. Various initiatives have yielded impressive results by diversifying agricultural crops like avocados, bananas, and tea leaves, turning them into valuable commodities. Notably, the avocado production initiative has significantly increased output and become a significant source of foreign currency. To ensure the success of the region's banana production project, selected banana seeds are being developed through tissue culture and made accessible to the public. With more than 7,000 banana plants already cultivated on over 2,000 hectares of land, an estimated 2.5 million more are expected to be planted this year. These programs are providing our farmers with new productio

Mechanizing Agriculture for more Product in Oromia

  If we aspire to enhance the contribution of agriculture to our economic growth, it is imperative to modernize our agricultural practices and broaden the range of available products. In the Oromia Regional State, the export of over 100 million quintals of wheat to global markets each year is a remarkable achievement. Various initiatives have yielded impressive results by diversifying agricultural crops like avocados, bananas, and tea leaves, turning them into valuable commodities. Notably, the avocado production initiative has significantly increased output and become a significant source of foreign currency. To ensure the success of the region's banana production project, selected banana seeds are being developed through tissue culture and made accessible to the public. With more than 7,000 banana plants already cultivated on over 2,000 hectares of land, an estimated 2.5 million more are expected to be planted this year. These programs are providing our farmers with new productio

Meet the Districts in Four Wollega Zones of Oromia

Meet the Four Wollega Zones Districts East Wollega Zone Districts Bonaya Boshe Diga Gida Ayana Kiramu Gobu Sayo Gudaya Bila Guto Gida Haro Limmu Leka Dulecha Ebantu Jimma Arjo Limmu Nunu Kumba Sasiga Sibu Sire Wama Agalo Wayu Tuka Guto Wayu Angar Gute Town Call to Oromia:  Nekemte City Horo Guduru Wollega Shambu City Abay Choman Choman Guduru Guduru Abe Dongoro Amuru Hababo Guduru Horo Buluk Jimma Ganati Jimmaa Rare Jardaga jarte Horro Kellem Wollega Zone Districts Dambi Dollo City Anfillo Dale Sadi Dale Wabara Gawo Kebe Gidami Hawa Galan Jimma Horro Lalo Kile Sayo Yemalogi Walal Sadi Chenka West Wollega Zone Districts Gimbi City Ayira Yubdo Guliso Babo Gambel Begi Boji Chokorsa Boji Dirmaji Ganji Haru Jarso Kondala Kiltu Kara Lalo Asabi Mana Sibu Nole Kaba Sayo Nole Lata Sibu Mandi Homa Call to Oromia: Nejjo City

Guma Guda Hill - Tulluu Gumaa Guddaa

  Guma Guda Hill - Tulluu Gumaa Guddaa Guma Guda Hill, also known as Tulluu Gumaa Guddaa, holds historical significance as the site where the Shanan Daallee Gadaa meeting took place 110 years ago. Situated in Qellem Wallagga, Western Oromia, this hill was one of the pivotal centers of the Jahan Sayyo Oromo Gada system, where Gada laws were traditionally enacted. It played a crucial role alongside the Tumaa Ja'an Sayyos. However, with the arrival of kings and the influence of Western religion, the Oromo Gada system faced weakening, particularly in the Maccaa region of Western Oromia.

The Sambe Mount of Illubabor

  The Sambe Mount of Illubabor          Located in the Ilu Aba Bor Zone of the Oromia region, approximately 12 KM south of Gore town in Southwestern Ethiopia, the Sambe Mount holds historical significance. Gore, a town in the same region, is situated south of Mettu and 620 KM away from Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Additionally, it is located 180 KM from Gambella City, the capital of the Gambella region. In the 1930s, Gore served as the capital city of Ethiopia after an official declaration by the supreme council of the Ethiopian Monarch. The location of Gore attracted the central government for administrative purposes and economic significance. Over time, it became a bustling market hub connecting the Middle East, Sudan, and Ethiopia, attracting foreign merchants. The Battle of Sambe took place from June 3, 1943 G.C. to July 14, 1943 G.C. It began when Italian Forces gathered 12 divisions from their bases in southern Majii, Keffa, Kullo, and Konta. They attempted to conquer Go

The Story of Dr.Gemechu Megersa

  THE STORY OF  Dr. GAMACHU MAGARSA THE TALE OF DR. GAMACHU MAGARSA Dr. Gamachu Magarsa is a prominent figure in the realm of Oromo nationalism and anthropology, renowned for his research and contributions to the understanding of Oromo history and culture. Born and raised in Dambi Dollo City, Western Oromia, Dr. Gamachu hails from a lineage tracing back to the local Bokku family. The responsibility of preserving the Bokku, a crucial aspect of the Gada system, fell upon Dr. Gamachu after his elder brother, who had inherited it, found himself less acquainted with Oromo culture. As a result, Dr. Gamachu embraced the mantle, becoming the custodian of the Bokku, akin to a fatherly role. Throughout his life, Dr. Gamachu has dedicated himself to serving the Oromo people, conducting extensive research, and contributing to their knowledge and understanding. His commitment to his heritage and dedication to scholarly pursuits drew the attention of the authorities during the Dargii regime in 1979,

Education in Oromia - Ethiopia

  Education Level in  Oromia   The Oromia Education Bureau has taken significant strides in enhancing the quality of education within the region by implementing a series of initiatives. One of these initiatives involves the construction of Bu’uura Boruu Primary Schools and Ifa Boruu Secondary Schools, aimed at providing improved educational facilities for students. Additionally, the bureau has introduced a meal program for primary and secondary school students in grades 1 to 4, ensuring they have proper nourishment to support their learning. Another key aspect of their efforts is to foster community participation in education development activities. By involving local communities, the bureau seeks to create a collaborative and supportive environment for educational growth. Furthermore, the Oromia Education Bureau has successfully established 9,000 Bu’uura Boruu schools in the past two years, displaying their commitment to expanding access to quality education. Looking ahead, they have

Oxygen generator - Who is Obse Lubo?

  Obse Tadase Lubo is a remarkable individual whose contributions to the medical field and humanitarian efforts have made a significant impact. She began her educational journey in Nejo, Wallagga, Oromia, Ethiopia, attending both primary and secondary school. Today, she serves as a dedicated physician and nurse at Stanford University Hospital in California, USA. Over the years, Obse has demonstrated her commitment to helping others and improving medical facilities in her homeland. From 2009 to 2015, she generously donated medical equipment to several hospitals, including Najjo, Gimbi, Begi, and Dambi Dollo. In 2010, she collaborated with a renowned specialist to provide free treatment to numerous patients at Najjo Hospital. In 2015, Obse, alongside another experienced doctor, performed life-changing surgeries on women suffering from fistula at Najjo Hospital. She also extended her care to individuals with eye diseases and nasal problems from 2013 to 2016, providing various treatments.

Cristiano Ronaldo has set a new record

  Cristiano Ronaldo, the renowned Portuguese striker, has achieved a remarkable milestone by setting a new record of 197 appearances for the national team. During Portugal's recent 4-0 victory against Liechtenstein, the 38-year-old football legend showcased his prowess on the field by scoring two goals, further solidifying his position in history. Ronaldo's appearance in the match marked his 197th time representing his country, surpassing the previous record held by Kuwaiti striker Kadir Al Mutawan. Notably, Ronaldo's journey in the national team has spanned an impressive 20 years since February, making him an enduring force in international football. Throughout his illustrious career, he has scored a staggering 120 goals in various international matches, cementing his place among the all-time greats of the sport.

Drone Technology - Who is Emmanuel Balcha?

  Introducing Emmanuel Balcha, an innovative mind who captivated the nation with his drone technology. The concept of drones traces its roots back to the ingenious mind of Abraham Karem, known as the Father of the Drone invention, who was born in Baghdad, Iraq, and later moved to Israel. From an early age, Abraham's passion for building airplanes was evident, and he made significant strides in aeronautical engineering. During the Yom Kippur War, he developed his first drone for the Israeli Air Force before eventually immigrating to the United States in the 1970s. In the United States, Abraham founded "Leading Systems Inc.," where he crafted several improved drone models, including the "Albatross" and "Amber," which evolved into the famous "General Atomics MQ-1" or "Predator" drone, earning him the nickname "Drone Father." Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles, have become modern-day marvels with extensive applicat

Projects done by Dr.Kannan Ambalam

Dr. Kannan Ambalam's Notable Projects 1. Gonjoora Water Spring Transformation: In Kaakee Woreda, Kellam Wollega Zone, a significant development took place at the Gonjoora water spring. Though the source had abundant water, it was challenging for local communities to access due to its location and surrounding rocks. Dr. Kannan Ambalam's team implemented a solution that made it easier for the locals to access the water while incorporating a natural filtration system to ensure clean water and safeguard the source's sustainability. 2. New Bridge in Wayu Tuka Woreda: In collaboration with Wallaga University, local communities, and the Indian Embassy, Dr. Kannan Ambalam's team facilitated the construction of a new bridge across the Alaltu river at Gida Chakarba Kebele, benefiting several rural Kebeles in the vicinity. The bridge serves as a vital connection between Gute town and the commercial center of Bandra town, improving accessibility for local communities. 3. Tururto Sp

Oromo Traditional Games

Oromo Traditional Games Traditional games hold a special place as the oldest ancestors of modern games, and they have stood the test of time, carrying a rich legacy. Many traditional Oromo games involve interactions between at least two individuals, and some are group games. The primary objective of these games is not to demean the opponent but to display strength and superiority, encouraging the defeated to improve and participate again. Traditional games encompass various types, each offering its unique benefits. Running, wrestling, triathlon, snowshoeing, corps, jumping, faccee, and more are among the traditional games played by two or more participants. Games like corps require one person to roll or throw while others attempt to stab it. Horseback riding, known as Guluf, also involves at least two players, and some games, such as snowboarding, are played in groups with equal members on each side. One of the remarkable aspects of traditional games is their accessibility. These games

Gadaa System

  Gadaa System The Oromo people boast a rich and diverse cultural heritage, and one of the significant aspects of their culture is the Gadaa System, which serves as their governance system. Though the Gadaa system may vary slightly across different regions, its underlying unity remains prominent. In Borana, for instance, it consists of six or more levels known as Kuchu, Raba, Dabballee, Doori, Luba, and Gada, while in Shawa, the levels are known as Ittigala, Dabballee, Foollee, and Luba. Despite these minor differences, major ceremonies are conducted in a similar manner. The Gadaa system follows a distinct process. Meetings held under the Oda, the sacred tree, feature the Abbaa Bokkuu and other officials seated according to their seniority and age. During discussions, the oldest and youngest of the same age group have the opportunity to speak. The decision-making power lies with the "group in authority," representing the community. The election of a new Abbaa Bokkuu is carrie

The Story of Hachalu Hundessa

  The Story of Hachalu Hundessa Hachalu Hundessa, the renowned artist, was born in 1976 in Ambo City, West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. He was the fifth child in a family of six brothers and four sisters. Like many Oromo children, Hachalu spent his early days herding cattle for his family. He attended school in Ambo up to grade twelve but left the nearby school to study closer to his beloved grandfather's house. Ambo, situated in the western part of Oromia, holds great significance for the entire Oromo community. Hachalu's passion for his people and family was evident from a young age. In 1995, as a student, he fearlessly advocated for his people's rights and spoke out against oppression. Music had always fascinated Hachalu, but his father initially disapproved of his musical aspirations, desiring him to pursue a professional career. Nevertheless, Hachalu's determination prevailed, and he pursued music while herding cattle outside the family home. His early influences i

Health Tips

  Dental Care Precautions: ********************* 1. Never use your teeth as tools for non-dental purposes, like opening bottles or cutting objects. 2. Opt for a soft toothbrush and avoid using strong toothpaste, as a gentle approach is more effective. 3. Brush your teeth thoroughly and remove any food debris immediately after eating. 4. Limit the consumption of sugary foods, candy, lemons, sugary coffee, and alcohol to protect your dental health. Causes of Alopecia: ***************** 1. Fungal infection (Tinea capitis). 2. Immune system disorders leading to hair loss (Alopecia areata). 3. Scalp damage from heat, chemicals, or forceful pulling of hair. 4. Alopecia may manifest as a symptom of other conditions like pancreatitis, thyroid issues, protein, and iron deficiency. 5. Side effects of certain drugs, such as anticancer medications. 6. Hereditary factors causing hair thinning and balding, especially in men. The Importance of Adequate Sleep: ***************************** 1. Boosts t

Level Upgraded Cities of Oromia

  Level Upgraded Cities of Oromia Resolutions Passed During the 3rd Ordinary Session of the 6th Fiscal Year of the 2nd Annual General Meeting of the State Council of Oromia: The Oromia Regional State Government has been actively working towards achieving rapid, sustainable, and inclusive development through various development strategies and the establishment of effective organizations and procedures. As part of this effort, several cities have been established according to their developmental levels to facilitate urban development and benefit society. However, it is essential to review and improve the existing organizational structure to effectively manage the complexities of these cities. To harness the opportunities and potential of these cities and ensure their comprehensive development with a common goal of achieving food security, the merger of certain cities has been undertaken. The administrative merger is as follows: 1. Bishoftu City, Dukam town, and the towns of Hiddii, Udee

Invest in Oromia

                                                                           𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙊𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙖? Investment Opportunities in Oromia, Ethiopia Oromia, a region known for its fertile soil and central location within Ethiopia, offers a diverse agro-ecology that makes it ideal for various investment sectors. It is home to a vast array of resources, including coffee, poultry, beehives, and livestock, making it a promising destination for investors. The capital city of Ethiopia, Finfinne (Addis Ababa), is also the capital city of Oromia Regional State. With its strategic location, Finfinne serves as an essential regional and international transport hub. The well-developed road network radiates from Finfinne to all regions, connecting it with major cities, towns, and economically active centers across the country. Moreover, international highways link Finfinne to neighboring countries such as Kenya, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan, fostering trade and inv

The Story of Onesimos Nasib and Aster Gano

Onesimos Nasib or Abbaa Gammachiis Let us commemorate Abba Gammachiis, the unsung hero who opened a long-closed door for the Oromo language and its people. Did you know this? - 130 years ago, Onosimos Nasib and Esther Ganno wrote the first significant book in African languages. - Onosimos Nasib, the hero of Iluu Abba Boor, was the first to call today's Oromia "Oromo Country" and proudly represent his people. - He proved to the world that the Oromo people and their language were a great nation in Africa. - Onosimos was the first to write religious texts, folklore, and literature in the Oromo language. - He endured immense personal losses to teach in Oromo and demonstrate the existence of an Oromo nation. The book pictured here, written 130 years ago by Father Gammachiis (Onosimos Nasib), was published by a Saudi publishing house. Onosimos adapted the book to teach the alphabet in Oromo. He even wrote "Oromo Country" in the Sabaean script to proudly represent his