Benefits of Eating Foods for our Health Skip to main content

Mechanizing Agriculture for more Product in Oromia

  If we aspire to enhance the contribution of agriculture to our economic growth, it is imperative to modernize our agricultural practices and broaden the range of available products. In the Oromia Regional State, the export of over 100 million quintals of wheat to global markets each year is a remarkable achievement. Various initiatives have yielded impressive results by diversifying agricultural crops like avocados, bananas, and tea leaves, turning them into valuable commodities. Notably, the avocado production initiative has significantly increased output and become a significant source of foreign currency. To ensure the success of the region's banana production project, selected banana seeds are being developed through tissue culture and made accessible to the public. With more than 7,000 banana plants already cultivated on over 2,000 hectares of land, an estimated 2.5 million more are expected to be planted this year. These programs are providing our farmers with new productio

Benefits of Eating Foods for our Health


Does anyone not like the taste of bananas? Do you love bananas just for their taste or do you learn about their health benefits? Yes, I hope you can name a couple of banana benefits. But there are many health benefits of bananas; so I presented this article to you so that you can learn this exactly and make bananas your friend. Have a nice read.

1. To control blood pressure:- sodium is found in abundance in salt. Bananas are rich in potassium. Sodium increases blood pressure, while potassium lowers it. That's why it's said not to eat too much salt (especially for those with high blood pressure). Eating plenty of bananas are highly recommended for prevention and for those with the disease.

2. Prevent asthma study of children in the UK found that eating bananas regularly reduced the risk of asthma by 34 percent.

3. To prevent cancer:- Giving bananas and orange juice to young children under two years of age protects them from childhood leukemia. It prevents colorectal cancer, major cancer that affects older people

4. For heart health:- bananas contain fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and B6, which play an important role in maintaining heart health. On the other hand, it controls blood pressure and reduces the amount of work that can be done in the heart.

5.For diabetics:- The fiber in bananas helps people with diabetes(type 1diabetes and type 2 diabetes) to control their blood sugar levels.

6. If you have nausea and vomiting:- a person with nausea and vomiting eliminates potassium chemicals with boiling and wiping, which leads to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body and even to the point of death. It is foolish to eat potassium-rich bananas at such times. Instead, what if I told you that the "ORS" given in the clinic for people who are so sick contains potassium and nothing else.

7. Increase memory and concentration:-If you are a student, make you learn to eat bananas when you study and when you go for exams, it will sharpen your mind. For the sake of magic, those of you who only consider coffee and tea as an option, try bananas for the results. Probably better than I have seen for myself.

Carrots and their Benefits!


Carrots contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for our body, especially if eaten raw.

"Carrots will help you see in the dark.

Say the whites....!

"Carrots make it possible to see in the dark"! They are saying.

Some of the proven health benefits of carrots.

1. The first of the benefits of carrots is that they contain vitamin A. Vitamin A prevents blindness problems caused by vitamin A deficiency.

2. It greatly helps our immune system.

3. It is one of the most popular foods to lose weight. This prevents us from going hungry too quickly and gives us fewer calories.

4. If we eat carrots regularly, it lowers the bad fats called cholesterol in the body and prevents diseases caused by the problem.

5. It contains many antioxidants and fiber to speed up digestion.


1. It enriches it with a variety of content. Avocados alone, contain Vitamin K: 26%, Folate: 20%,Vitamin C: 17%, Potassium: 14%,Vitamin B5: 14%, Vitamin B6: 13%, Vitamin E: 10% of our daily requirement gives us the answer.

2. It is a high-fat food in odlf, and its fat is not as harmful as other fats. It also brings health to our hearts rather than harm like other fats.

3. It contains chemicals called antioxidants and supports the health of our eyes

4. It plays an important role in preventing arthritis.

5. It is very useful for better digestion of food in the stomach, especially plant foods.

6. People who eat avocados are healthier than people who don't.


1. It plays an important role in preventing anemia. This is because it contains a lot of the element iron, which is used to make blood cells.
2. It contains a lot of fiber which speeds up the digestive system and prevents dryness of the stomach.
3. It contains a lot of carotenoids which are very helpful for the health of our eyes.
4. It effectively reduces diverticular disease, which causes severe pain and damage.
5. It contains complex carbohydrate energy and is not absorbed quickly so it provides energy for a long time once eaten.
6. It contains chemicals called antioxidants that reduce free radicals that are harmful to our body and are suspected of causing some cancers.


1. To prevent various heart diseases

  ✍Omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids ' contained in talcum powder maintain healthy blood vessels and regulate heart rate to prevent heart disease.

✍Controls the amount of cholesterol in the blood and prevents the formation of plaque in the arteries. In this way, it prevents atherosclerosis, which causes heart disease.

✍ It is very helpful for people with arrhythmia.

2. To prevent cancer

  ✍Canadian research confirms that the Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in talcum powder prevent breast, prostate, and prostate cancers.

✍ It is also said that people with cancer can live longer if they add talc to their diet alongside their medication.

3. To prevent and control diabetes

  ✍According to research results, talcum powder helps those with diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels.

4). A woman who has stopped having children

  ✍A woman who is naturally around 49 years old when menstruation stops there are hormonal changes that cause symptoms such as self-consciousness, feeling of crying, fever/bad sweating, hair loss/bubbles, and itchy skin. Therefore, if an infertile woman eats talcum powder, it will prevent such problems.

5. For skin and hair health

  ✍talba contains essential minerals and vitamins for skin and hair health.

  ✍prevents skin rashes and itching.

6. For Liver and digestive health

  ✍talba is called marijuana soap because it cleanses the stomach and marijuana.

7. To prevent/improve depression

  ✍Adding talc to your diet is good for preventing and improving depression caused by a chemical imbalance, according to a Japanese study.

   ✍Since these benefits of flax became known, in 2010 A.L.A., flax was added to more than 300 food products in the USA and Canada alone.

👍 If grass talc is eaten, it can come out to a boil before it is used so it is best to use its powder or oil.

👉Talba is rich in many nutritional benefits that are good for our health; some of them are omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins B1, and B6; selenium, copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous.

👉 1.8 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids per soup solution of talcum powder.

🙏MY MESSAGE: Nowadays, no one uses talcum powder. So people of you who own restaurants and bars, think about how to add talcum powder to side dishes, in foods, and in bars and serve them to the public. Doing so benefits both himself and the people.


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