#Hot water from Abba Jiba
Nageelle Arsi district is one of the districts of the West Arsi region.
The district is known for its many world-famous cultures, traditions, and morals.
In addition, it has many historical monuments, attractions, rivers, mountains, and natural forests.
The district is famous for lakes like Laangannoo, Abijaata Shaallaa national park, and various arches.
Abba Jibaa hot spring is one of the attractions of the district.
The water is located in Shalla Bila village, just 18 kilometers from the district town, next to Lake Abijaata Shalla.
Insiders say the name Abba Jiba is named after a man named Abba Jiba who lived near the hot spring.
The water springs naturally from the ground and is very hot. It is said that if washed, it is used for medicinal purposes and people with ailments such as colds, nerves, and others will be cured if they bathe in this hot water.
The hot water is said to be able to cook foods such as eggs, potatoes, and others for up to seven minutes.
Currently, the youths are organized in associations and are using hot water from Abba Jiba.
Residents of the area testify that the water is a source of income and is visited by local and foreign tourists.
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