Top Donators for the drought-stricken Borana Zone Skip to main content

Mechanizing Agriculture for more Product in Oromia

  If we aspire to enhance the contribution of agriculture to our economic growth, it is imperative to modernize our agricultural practices and broaden the range of available products. In the Oromia Regional State, the export of over 100 million quintals of wheat to global markets each year is a remarkable achievement. Various initiatives have yielded impressive results by diversifying agricultural crops like avocados, bananas, and tea leaves, turning them into valuable commodities. Notably, the avocado production initiative has significantly increased output and become a significant source of foreign currency. To ensure the success of the region's banana production project, selected banana seeds are being developed through tissue culture and made accessible to the public. With more than 7,000 banana plants already cultivated on over 2,000 hectares of land, an estimated 2.5 million more are expected to be planted this year. These programs are providing our farmers with new productio

Top Donators for the drought-stricken Borana Zone


Top Donators List for Drought-Stricken Borana Zone

1. Addis Ababa (Finfinne) City Administration generously donates 250 million birr in both financial and in-kind support to aid the drought-stricken Borana zone. Finfinne Mayor, Mrs. Adanech, expressed her gratitude to the city's investors, leaders, and society members for their support and love towards the people of Borana. She further pledged the city administration's ongoing commitment to assisting the regional government in finding sustainable solutions to the crisis.

2. The Cooperative Bank of Oromia steps forward with a significant donation of ETB 100 million birr to aid Borana during this difficult time. The bank, along with its employees, demonstrates its commitment to community welfare and concern for those in need.

3. Tokuma Fite (Tokkummaa Fiixeee) makes a heartfelt contribution of 8 million birr towards the cause.

4. Yadeta Juneydi generously donates 10 million birr to support the relief efforts in Borana.

5. Esrael Degefa, the Owner of Kerchanshe General Trading, extends a helping hand with a donation of 10 million birr.

6. A collective effort of various organizations and individuals adds up to a total of 133.6 million birr donated to Borana:

   - NOC Ethiopia contributes 10 million birr.

   - MIDROC Group steps in with 30 million birr.

   - Getu Gelete makes a generous donation of 5 million birr.

   - Obbo Seid (Africa Water) offers 5 million birr.

   - Awash Bank provides 20 million birr.

   - Dashen Bank extends its support with 10 million birr.

   - Obbo Abdulhakim donates 10 million birr.

   - Ali Alfoz contributes 5 million birr.

   - Alemayehu Ketema offers 5 million birr.

   - Obbo Bulbula adds 1 million birr to the cause.

   - Obbo Hiko contributes 1 million birr.

   - Obbo Hunde (JAMBO STAR Trading PLC) offers 1 million birr.

   - Abdulsemed Takele generously donates 2 million birr.

   - Tracon contributes 5 million birr.

   - Obbo Mathias adds 4 million birr.

   - Obbo Haji Bati offers 1 million birr.

   - Engineer Diriba Defersha donates 2 million birr.

   - Obbo Akalu contributes 1 million birr.

   - Sabir Argaw (ALSAM PLC) offers 2 million birr.

   - Nasir Jemal (AMDEHUN General Trading PLC) donates 2 million birr.

   - Belayneh Kinde (BKG Trading) steps in with 6.6 million birr.

   - Obbo Tsegaye Sori adds 1 million birr.

   - Obbo Chombe Seyoum Gemechu generously donates 1 million birr.

   - Buzayehu Tadele Foundation contributes 3 million birr.

The Borana zone, along with the southern peoples of Ethiopia, is facing a severe crisis due to drought and security challenges. Urgent humanitarian aid is needed to alleviate the suffering of the affected communities. Let's come together to spread awareness of this dire situation and call upon all humanitarian organizations worldwide to join in providing aid and relief to the people of Borana and Ethiopia. The catastrophic drought has led to the loss of millions of cattle and poses a grave threat to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the region. Our collective action can make a significant difference in addressing this humanitarian emergency.


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